Cozmos Viroi shpk
Rr. Fabrika e qelqit nr 56,Kombinat ,1001
ph: +355 4 2352850
fax: +355 4 2352850
About us
COZMOS VIROI l.t.d is Albanian commercial company operating in distribution of consumer goods since 2000 .
Our Product Range
Food and Non-Food Products (FMCG)
(Food Sector)
Bakery and Pastries,Pasta,Healthy Foods, Sweets , Cocoa Products, Canned Products, Snacks and Chips, Cooking Products etc.
(Non-Food Sector)
Batteries, Home Maintenance Products, Cleaning Products, Personal Care Products, Seasonal Products and Camping etc.
Our Suppliers
We are authorized and exclusive distributor for the Albanian market for:
Colussi Group, Energizer, Brauns Heitmann, Philips Lighiting, San Carlo, Wawel, Terravita, Trolli, Kuehne, Langnese, Sperlari, Hosta Italia, Madasweet, Bergen, Vanpur, Graal, Tata Global Beverage, Metsa Tissue, Inco Veritas, Hal, Plastime, CnContinental, etc.
Market Operations
Cozmos Viroi supply the market through main distribution chanels like :Big Markets,Spar,Conad ,KMY, Albmarket,Xhangolli,Hippo,Extra Market,Elkos,Maxi, Pam,Coop, etc. over than 800 stores in Albania.
For our proffesional range we coperate with companies in sector of :B2B, Horeca ,Hotels, Electronics, OEM, Security,etc.
Company Principle
Company’s main principles are based on selection of quality products and very good service level to it's clients. Keeping those principles and right oriented philosophy to the new market perceptions, had create to us a successful progress during the years.
Our Goal
To develop all our represent brands and to expand our business portfolio.
Reth Nesh
COZMOS VIROI sh.p.keshte kompani tregetare Shqiptare qe vepron ne distribucionin e produkteve te konsumit prej vitit 2000.
Gama Jone
Produkte ushqimore dhe joushqimore te konsumit te gjere
(Sektori ushqimor)
Brumra dhe Biskoteri,Pasta,Ushqime te Mireqenies,Embelsira,Produkte Cokollate,Produkte te Konservuara , Snak dhe Patatina , Produkte Gatimi etj
(Sektori jo ushqimor)
Bateri,Produkte te Mirembajtjes se Shtepise,Produkte Pastrimi,Produkte dhe te Kujdesit Vetjak , Produkte Sezonale dhe Kamping etj
Furnizuesit Tane
Ne jemi distributor te autorizuar dhe eksluzive per tregun shqiptar per :
Colussi Group,Energizer,Brauns Heitmann ,Philips Lighiting,San Carlo,Wawel, Terravita, Trolli, Kuehne, Langnese , Sperlari,Hosta Italia, Madasweet, Bergen, Vanpur,Graal,Tata Global Beverage , Metsa Tissue, Pz Cussons ,Sutter Group ,Inco Veritas ,Hal ,Plastime ,CnContinental, etc.
Operimi ne Treg
Cozmos Viroi tregeton produktet e veta nepermjet kanaleve kryesore te distribucionit ne vend si:Big Markets,Spar,Conad ,KMY,Albmarket, Xhangolli, Hippo, Extra Market,Elkos,Maxi, Pam,Coop, etj. mbi 800 dyqane ne gjithe vendin .
Per linjen profesionale bashkepunojme me kompani te sektorit :B2B, Horeca ,Hoteleri ,Elktronike,OEM, Security,etj.
Parimet e Kompanise
Parimet kryesore te kompanise jane bazuar ne zgjedhjen e produkteve te kualitetit te larte dhe nivel shume te mire sherbimi ndaj klienteve te saj. Mbajtja e ketyre parimeve si dhe filozofia e te orientuarit drejt ne perceptimet e reja te tregut, ka krijuar tek ne nje perparim te suksesshem gjate viteve.
Objektivi yne
Te zhvillojme te gjitha markat qe perfaqesojme dhe te zgjerojme portofolin e biznesit tone.
Cozmos Viroi shpk
Rr. Fabrika e qelqit nr 56,Kombinat ,1001
ph: +355 4 2352850
fax: +355 4 2352850